
language level

14 nov. 2017 08:27 - language-swap

Niveau confirmé

What is a level in a language?
It is the level of politeness you use in your discourse.
Let's see a few example:

1. The “ampoulé” level:
“Je ne consens guère à une telle outrecuidance, veuillez faire diligence.”
It is the highest language level and it is very rarely used.

2. The “soutenu” level:
“Je n'accepte point une telle effronterie, veuillez vous presser.”
It is a high language level that you still can hear in the high society.

3. The “courant” level:
“Je n'accepte pas l'irrespect, faites vite. »
It is the most common langage level. It is the one that you can hear everyday.

4. The « familier » level :
« J'accepte pas l'irrespect, grouille. »
It is the level that is used orally. You can hear it all the time and in general, the negative particles are not said in these types of phrase.

5. The vulgar level.
It is the lowest langage level and it is not necessary to give example.
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