
the place of an adverb

17 oct. 2017 09:46 - language-swap

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Today we are going to study the place of an adverb. But what is an adverb ?
It is an invariable word that precise or change the meaning of a verb, another adverb or an adjective.
(ex : très, vite, probablement, hier,…)
Let's check where French people put them.

Generally, the adverb is put behind the verb that it precises, except for the cases in which the verb is conjugated in compounded tenses.
Ex: Je lui propose de regarder tranquillement les dessins-animés.

However, there are some exceptions:
*When the verb is conjugated in compounded tenses, we place the adverbs between the auxiliary and the past participle.
Ex: Je l'ai bien remercié pour ses conseils.

*Regarding the spatial-temporal adverbs, they usually are put at the beginning or in the end of a sentence.
Ex: Aujourd'hui il va à la banque.
Il est allé à la banque hier.

*In a negative sentence, the adverb is placed behind the second element of negation in the sentence.
Ex: Il n'a pas bien compris

*The adverbs are placed behind a verb in the infinitive form.
Ex: Il décida de marcher lentement vers sa maison

*The adverbs that precise other adverbs or adjectives are to be put before it.
Ex: Il courru très vite pour gagner la course.

*The adverb “ensemble” (together) is always put behind the verb.
Ex: Elles jouent ensemble tous les soirs, elles sont inséparables.
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