
types of phrases

13 oct. 2017 08:39 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire plus

Like every language, French has different types of phrases: the declarative, the negative, the interrogative, the exclamatory one and the imperative.

Let's see the difference.

In general a declarative sentence is formed by:
Subject + Verb + Complement and is finished by a period.
Je vais à l'école.

In general the exclamatory sentence is formed by:
Subject + Verb + Complement and is finished by an exclamation mark.
Je suis heureux !

In general an interrogative sentence is formed by:
Verb + Subject + Complement and is finished by an interrogative mark.
Viens-tu ce soir ?

In general an imperative sentence is formed by:
Verb + Subject + Complement and is finished by a period or an exclamation mark.
Taisez-vous s'il-vous-plait !

In general a negative sentence is formed by:
Subject + negation + Verb + negation + Compelement and is finished by a period.
Elle ne sait pas la réponse.
Partagez ce sujet :


Il n'y a pas encore de réponses.
Supprimer ?

Attention, confirmez-vous la suppression de cet élément ?


Confirmez-vous vouloir vous déconnecter ?

Mots et Expressions