
The futur in french

06 oct. 2017 12:36 - language-swap

Niveau intermédiaire

The future in French is one of the easiest and also of the most difficult to learn. Indeed, all the verbs have the same terminations which are: -ai, -as, -an -ons, -ez, -ont. However there are some irregulars and some of the verbs see their radical change.
In order to conjugate the future tense, you just have to put the verb in the infinitive form and to add the terminations that we just saw:

Mangerai Finirai
Mangeras Finiras
Mangera Finira
Mangerons Finirons
Mangerez Finirez
Mangeront Finiront
Coirai Entendrai Prendrai
Croiras Entendras Prendras
Croira Entendra Prendra
Croirons Entendrons Prendrons
Croirez Entendrez Prendrez
Croiront Entendront Prendront

However there are some verbs that see their radical change and have a different radical, let's check them out:

Être Je serai
Avoir J'aurai
Aller J'irai
Faire Je ferai
Pouvoir Je pourrai
Voir Je verrai
Recevoir Je recevrai
Vouloir Je voudrai
Savoir Je saurai
Valoir Je vaudrai
Tenir Je tiendrai
Venir Je viendrai
Asseoir J'assoirai
Cueillir Je cueillerai
Falloir Jil faudra
Pleuvoir Il pleuvra

/!\ Warning: Some verbs have other irregularities
The verbs finishing by -yer see their -y change into an -i before the -e.
essayer → essaieras ; essuyer → essuieras ; balayer – balaieras
envoyer → enverrai

The verbs finishing by -eter and -eler double their consonants before the -e
appeler → appellerai ; epeler → epellerai ; jeter → jetterai
acheter → achèterai
geler → gèlera
celer → cèlerai
peler → pèlerai
modeler → modèlerai

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